Oklahoma Truck Driver Fatigue
Semi truck driver fatigue can result in negligent behavior such as running off the road or into another lane. Fatigued truckers are of such concern that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) instituted new regulations to curb these problems. While these laws have helped reduce the number of semi truck accident, driver fatigue is still blamed for 20 to 40% when they do happen.
Semi truck drivers become fatigued from excessive daily and weekly work hours and can considerably increase the risk of truck accidents that result in serious personal injury or death. Yet despite the serious safety risks, organizations continually press Congress change the laws allowing longer hours of service for the trucking industry.
Because there may be several factors affecting a semi truck driver's hours of service, the FMCSA requires that drivers and carriers maintain logs, expense receipts, and other documentation to track their compliance with current regulations. However, it is important that these laws are enforced to deter unsafe trucking behavior. Log book and hours rules should be strengthened as many truck drivers and carriers view violations as a cost of doing business.
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111 W 5th Street | Tulsa, OK 74145
Phone: 918-622-9292 | Fax: 918-549-6794